Loopholes in our education system

Loopholes in education system By- Jatin Mathur and Mayur Shrivastava "If we continue to teach our students today as we taught yesterday then we are robbing their tomorrow" We today see advancement in every field of life from our food to our clothes everything has been changed drastically Medical techniques have changed , Engineering techniques have changed, Trading has changed everything has changed so far and has been updated but the system which makes people Doctor, Engineer, Trader is still outdated and comparatively same . 1.Making them exclusivist We in our school make students culturally fanatic as we don't make them study different cultures relatively ,so it creates a divide between people of different cultures And thus detoriating the unity of humans. 2.Not taught problem solving capabilities Todays education system is past oriented rather than future oriented because students of present will work in future. 3.Not focusing on creativity Our e...