A message to future generation

Dear future generation, What i am going to say now is dedicated from the whole present generation to you. I want to say "sorry", sorry that we left you on such a messed up planet or i say sorry for providing this messed up situation to you. sorry, for listening to people who made excuses to do nothing,for just thinking about ourselves upto a large extent. Let me explain you with a instance, you probably know about the Amazon desert, believe it or not it was once called amazon rainforest containing billions of trees and was the biggest vegetation in the world,..... oh you don't know much about trees, Trees are really amazing, I mean we literally breathed the air due to them, they absorbed our pollution and carbon, provided food to feed us, hold the land, purified water and much more, what we did?, burn them down, cut them down with brutal machines with the rate of 40 football field per minute, for just this. It makes me really sad that the native Americans cared so much ...