How to Build New Habits - The Odd Angle (The science of Habit formation)

Understanding the science of Habit building. Humans are nothing but a combination of a physical being ,a bundle of habits and attributes which accounts for a character and behaviour, thus to change or transform an individual we need to transform our habits. Have you ever wondered why everyone fails to make a habit of exercising daily , losing weight or using less smartphone or leaving addictions such as smoking ,gambling and pornography. Do you also take resolutions on new year for waking up early in the morning or going into the gym and exercising but every time you end up at the same position where you started? Here is the science behind habit formation this will help us in in making new habits and leaving the addictions! Any habit is formed because of three phases or steps The very first step is 1.Trigger stimuli ,which acts as an indicator for humans to begin a particular task.It can be any sensory reception such as particular sound or vision . eg. Ever...