Difference between feminism and pseudofeminism: understand Gender equality

FEMINISM Feminism is not just the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes nor just a doctrine advocating social , political and all other rights of women equal to those of men. Feminism at its core is about “Equality” - among male , female or even transgender - not “sameness” (Here it becomes critical to understand that “sameness” does not always means “equality”). The pivotal issue here is about equal right and equal access to opportunities. Feminism as an ideology , does not claim that women are the angles or ‘always victims’ of the pervading inequality. In contrast , feminism argues against un-necessarily placing of women on higher pedestal. Why some people want to get rid of feminism? As, we are inhabitants of a patriarchal society , where it is mostly the women who are being deprived of their basic rights . ( Therefore , we commonly see feminism as synonym of fight for women’s right) and when feminism asks tough questions on our dogma...