
Showing posts with the label Habits

Boosting Attention and Generating Ideas through Scatter Focus | Hyper Focus by Chris Bailey -The Odd Angle

Do you also get ideas while sitting on a commode seat or while casually walking and sometimes while washing utensils or maybe during getting a shower. I personally have got many blog ideas and solutions to the problems which I am not thinking consciously while doing such activities of social reproduction. Why do we encounter our creative side when we are actually not engaging consciously with the activities of creation or in production? The answer lies in a concept called Scatterfocus which I have borrowed from Chris Bailey's book Hyperfocus.  What is Scatterfocus? Scatterfocus, as presented in Hyperfocus, is the intentional practice of letting your mind wander freely. It's the opposite of hyperfocus, where you concentrate intensely on a single task. Scatterfocus allows your mind to explore various ideas and make unexpected connections without the pressure of achieving a specific outcome. Bailey calls it "Scatterfocus" because in it, our attention scatters to focus on...

Personal Development For Students|Self Improvement-The Odd Angle

Self improvement for students Whenever we discuss about personal development or self improvement we seldom include teenagers or students. we may be living with a notion that these processes does not apply to students but these notions would have been true if we would be talking 50 years ago. But today's students face a lot of issues which has to be taken care of majorly in post COVID time where mental health is severely affected and people are suffering from mental trauma, aloofness, and are stressed out.Thus preparing oneself for countering these problems becomes mandatory for living a happy and prosperous life. A student can never succeed without constant improvement.Here are four aspects which students can work upon for daily self improvement :  1) Concentration As a student moves into new and upgraded grades every year, so the burden of good academic performance increases and complexities of educational concepts raises and to counter it students should try concentra...

6 Useful Tips To Improve Focus And Achieve Mental Stamina.

- jatin Mathur image: unsplash Too much information is bombarded to us from too many sources and it is not easy for us to focus and this information overload results into distractions and further which contributes to poor concentration but you need to improve your clarity of focus and achieve Mental Stamina to get what you want. 1. Long-term concentration is a must have skill in today's world and reading is a powerful way to achieving it.  Not only does reading damage your ignorance but also challenges you to focus long enough on a topic; eliminating all forms of distraction. What's more if you are in a serene environment absorbed in an especially engaging book. It pulls you into the narrative and silences your busy mind. It's one of the best pleasures in life.  2. Exercise: while strengthening your body through exercise, you are also increasing your ability to  —recall —concentrate & — enhancing your creativity  3. Meditation/ connecting with nature...

How to Make (and keep) New year's Resolutions?

Best New year's Resolutions ideas 2023. New year's Resolution 2023 Simple New year's Resolutions for students (and work) One more year has passed, Do you remember that you made Resolutions on last New year's day?  Did you keep it? I know your answer is No, you would say, I couldn't get time or i was busy throughout this year to go to gym,I feel sleepy while reading a book and some other excuses. But the truth is you didn't complete or keep your last New year's Resolution because it was not rightly made or rightly set goal for you .  Every person concerned about self improvement and personal development searches following terms on internet - How to keep a New year's Resolution? New year's Resolution ideas. Best Resolutions for me. But even after all search you may not be able to complete your personal development goal Because every year your desire for growth and hunger for success increases and to fulfill this hunger you start making and keeping new ...

How to manage time : Understanding priority management

TIME MANAGEMENT Is fake Managing means controlling but you can not control time then how can you manage it ? You can't make 25 hrs a day if you can then you must not read this one. How many time you notice people saying I don't have time , but let me tell you not having time is not about lack of time but it's about priority . Actually time and money are two things which we are always short of . So let's today understand about TIME MANAGEMENT. Tom greening  said ; "All time management begins with planning "  All time  management begins with planning but "planning for what" , here comes the real hero so you need to plan your priorities, In your day , you spend your time  performing number of tasks and persuing your interests or with people .  But when you spend most of your day in binge watching on Netflix or performing task which are not your priorities and at the end of day you say I don't have time to spend with family or exercising or some time...

Experiment with habits by team odd angle.

  How it feels to transform ones habits?  When a habit starts becoming, seldom we think about its result.But when it comes to dropping a habit it takes every ounce of effort. We asked our team members to write about their experiences with transforming the habits they disliked about themselves here are some of their words . Hemant tells, I had a bad habit of blaming others for my mistakes, when things used go wrong, incident used to occur, I look out for somebody or something else to blame for my problems then I started taking  five steps to abandon blaming others. 1. Recognize when you are blaming others, Awareness is always the first step.  2.Self blaming is good to take ownership than to blame others.  3. Be empathetic,not judgmental.  4. Own your part, you are responsible for everything that happens to you, stick to 50%-50%rule  5. Don't let the problem make you blind.   Khushi Soni says, Here is my experience in this context. I had a habit of ...

How to Build Healthy Habits - The Odd Angle | what does it Really take to Leave a Bad Habit?

Tricks to make New Habits stick  In the last blog we told you how does a habit has a particular mechanism of action or a vicious modus,when we know the science behind it we can use this mechanism to transform any habit. Trigger-(craving)-behaviour-reward  How you can Build a New Habit? 1.Find a clear and specific trigger for yourself to perform an action or behaviour  example:- for exercising we can have a particular time as trigger.Say whenever clock strikes 5 a.m. you get that trigger to perform the exercise. @power of habit 2. Have a specific set of action  you should be very specific about that trigger and whenever you get that trigger start performing your task or your behaviour linked to that trigger . Do not link more task to a particular trigger and never delay your behaviour or procrastinate you work. Example:- do not do any task except exercising at 5 a.m. and make it impossible for you to skip your exercising routine. 3. Make your rewards more satisfactory...

How to Build New Habits - The Odd Angle (The science of Habit formation)

Understanding the science of Habit building. Humans are nothing but a combination of a physical being ,a bundle of habits and attributes which accounts for a character and behaviour, thus to change or transform an individual we need to transform our habits. Have you ever wondered why everyone fails to make a habit of exercising daily , losing weight or using less  smartphone or leaving addictions such as smoking ,gambling and pornography. Do you also take resolutions on new year for waking up early in the morning or going into the gym and exercising but every time you end up at the same position where you started? Here is the science behind habit formation this will help us in in making new habits and leaving the addictions! Any habit is formed because of three phases or steps  The very first step is  1.Trigger  stimuli ,which acts as an indicator for humans to begin a particular task.It can be  any sensory reception such as particular sound or vision . eg. Ever...

5 bad habits you (seriously) need to quit now(ultimate list of Bad Habits) - The Odd Angle

Transforming your Habits to Transform your Life we are living in a Revolutionising and  modern age where nothing is constant, everything is changing with the speed of light,people have planned to colonize on other planets, whereas there are still some people who struggle to wake up early, struggle to read properly struggle to keep the focus at one place. Why there is difference between "those" people and "these"people? Are these people born with some special abilities or some power? obviously not,there could be many reasons, but one of the most crucial aspects are "HABITS" If I discourse about HABITS the particular word "HABIT" has a fantastic history as it has been found profoundly used in not only one but in multiple ancient languages. Habits are one the most important assets in the way of success. If you are doing something every day , you are practicing it every day , you are on the way of getting mediocrity at it.  Habits are like the seeds ...

4 Habits of Highly successful people that you must Adopt in lockdown- The Odd Angle

 Success Habits to develop in lockdown In current scenario where COVID is leading to shut-down of all the work in order to restrict the spread resulting in lockdown. Let me tell you guys that no pandemic can stop us living a pro life. It's probably like stars have given us opportunity to utilise this time effectively and efficiently. LOCKDOWN means a state of isolation or restricted access instituted as a security measure. In this case it is a safety measure.  Lockdown came as a vice in the initial, but as we have to face it, we can make it turn out to be a virtue. Through it, we got so much time for our own self. We can now introspect  because it is time in which we have nothing to do but to become the best version of ourselves. In a busy world, there is no time to think, sit and introspect. But Lockdown gave us an opportunity to follow a productive timetable & develop some good habits.   1.Healthy habits   Such as,  exercising and working ou...