What causes depression? and How to fight depression?

Depression was never personal. People are compelled by others to go in depression. What if i tell you that depression was never a personal individual phenomena it is more socially imposed disorder and today i will tell you the impact of society on individual's mental health and how people compel you to go depressed? 1.EMOTIONAL FACTOR you might be facing the situations which would be hurting you emotionally and may leave you in sorrow and you may get depressed such as death of a loved one, breakup or rejection might affect you emotionally. 2. PHYSICAL OR HEALTH RELATED you might be facing health issues which might affect you emotionally as well ,such as when you are diagnosed with cancer. 3. EXCESSIVE COMPETITION you might get depressed due to excessive and unnecessary competition around you, Most of students feel depressed due to competition ,they set high standards for themselves or their parents insist them to compete and get first position and when the students do not fulfil...