Boosting Attention and Generating Ideas through Scatter Focus | Hyper Focus by Chris Bailey -The Odd Angle

Do you also get ideas while sitting on a commode seat or while casually walking and sometimes while washing utensils or maybe during getting a shower. I personally have got many blog ideas and solutions to the problems which I am not thinking consciously while doing such activities of social reproduction. Why do we encounter our creative side when we are actually not engaging consciously with the activities of creation or in production? The answer lies in a concept called Scatterfocus which I have borrowed from Chris Bailey's book Hyperfocus. What is Scatterfocus? Scatterfocus, as presented in Hyperfocus, is the intentional practice of letting your mind wander freely. It's the opposite of hyperfocus, where you concentrate intensely on a single task. Scatterfocus allows your mind to explore various ideas and make unexpected connections without the pressure of achieving a specific outcome. Bailey calls it "Scatterfocus" because in it, our attention scatters to focus on...