5 bad habits you (seriously) need to quit now(ultimate list of Bad Habits) - The Odd Angle

Transforming your Habits to Transform your Life we are living in a Revolutionising and modern age where nothing is constant, everything is changing with the speed of light,people have planned to colonize on other planets, whereas there are still some people who struggle to wake up early, struggle to read properly struggle to keep the focus at one place. Why there is difference between "those" people and "these"people? Are these people born with some special abilities or some power? obviously not,there could be many reasons, but one of the most crucial aspects are "HABITS" If I discourse about HABITS the particular word "HABIT" has a fantastic history as it has been found profoundly used in not only one but in multiple ancient languages. Habits are one the most important assets in the way of success. If you are doing something every day , you are practicing it every day , you are on the way of getting mediocrity at it. Habits are like the seeds ...