Living With a Disability: A quest for self discovery | The Odd Angle

Living With A Disability: A Quest For Self-Discovery Living with a disability is hard but what makes it even more harder is the stigmas that are attached along with it. Disability is generally seen as biogenetic phenomena, has to be understood sociologically. It should be studied as a biosocially constructed phenomena. The stigmas that are attached to disability crumble the self-worth which largely impacts the personality of an individual. So, I will be reflecting on my own experiences as a girl with visual impairment in order to shed light upon social nature of disability as much of the individual struggles of people with disability manifest at a social level. I argue that due to low self-efficacy that stems from various notions regarding disability, the soul of people with disability is not only crumbled in everyday life but their voices are often silenced on various issues with immense stigmas attached with their identity thereby raising questions of agency. My story When I was bo...