Feelings and emotions involved in Depression (Depression symptoms and causes).

Every one is familiar with the word DEPRESSION and you might be upset or depressed at some point of your life may be not , but I faced it . And this word depression became very confusing for me to determine whether it is normal mood off or THE DEPRESSION. so I decided to guide you for this and you won't get confused. DEPRESSION is a mood disorder (MOOD : means at a specific time how do we feel) which generally persists for two weeks. While normal depression is temporary and you can consider it as normal upset behaviour. When you suffer with depression these feelings might encounter you . 1. SADNESS when you continuously feel sad and you no longer feel happy and energetic you might be depressed. 2. HOPELESSNESS when you feel there is no hope to live and you don't have any way of getting out of any problem and you feel hopeless , this might be feeling associated with depression. 3. HELPLESSNESS when you believe that there is nothing you can...