Feelings and emotions involved in Depression (Depression symptoms and causes).

 Every one is familiar with the word DEPRESSION and you might be upset or depressed at some point of your life may be not , but I faced  it .

And this word depression became very confusing for me  to determine whether it is normal mood off or THE DEPRESSION.

so I decided to guide you for this and you won't get confused.

DEPRESSION is a mood disorder (MOOD : means at a specific time how do we feel) which generally persists for two weeks.

While normal depression is temporary and you can consider it as normal upset behaviour.

When you suffer with depression these feelings might encounter you .


when you continuously feel sad and you no longer feel happy and energetic you might be depressed.


when you feel there is no hope to live and you don't have any way of getting out of any problem and  you feel hopeless , this might be feeling associated with depression.


when you believe that there is nothing you can do to improve a bad situation ( eg.when some one has health problem  say cancer )or control over results is impossible then you feel helpless .


 when you feel you are unimportant and you can not contribute ,you are useless for your family and your life is waste this feeling is called worthlessness and generally depressed people feel it.


 when you doubt your purpose and you feel you don't have any firm reason for life and world ,you don't have any desire .


when you don't find any interest in your hobbies, Let's say there used to be a time when you enjoyed doing specific actions but now you don't find any pleasure in same action or hobby .

Here we should also know about WITH DRAWL SYNDROME you might have seen people who used to be very jolly and funny who enjoyed meeting people and socializing but now you don't see them in groups and they avoid the public meetings and getting together ,they might be suffering from WITH DRAWL SYNDROME and may be facing depression.

But why do you feel in such manner?

These feelings are said to affect your mood ,And your mood is triggered by specific HORMONES.

Mainly following hormones determine your feelings.


This hormone is responsible for happiness it is released when you get happy so it is also called feel good hormone.


This hormone is released when you have done intense exercise and worked out and you might have noticed that you feel good after doing exercise.


 This hormone is released when we feel love and is responsible for the feelings of love in humans.


This hormone is responsible for overall well-being of your mind because it helps in maintaining hormonal balance and it helps in maintaining good situation.

You should know when there is lack of such hormones in your body then your mood gets off and you get upset and you feel depressed.

The odd angle to matter

You can regulate secretion of these hormones by performing certain activities and actions such as :


 It is evident from a study that those people who regularly pay gratitude in daily life for their resources and everything they are more happy and productive.


It can really help in maintaining good mood as you got to know doing exercise can release ENDORPHINS which makes you feel good.


 you can start to love and serve others unconditionally this will make you more happy and your social relations will also get better.

You now have knowledge of feelings that are associated with depression and what hormones affected those feelings and how you can regulate these hormones for better mood and happier life.

Team odd angle -

Muskan jain

Deeksha pokhariya

Nandini rawat

Khushi soni

Anushka yadav

Ansh pandey

Aiman zaki

Ravi jonwar 

Mayur Srivastava

Jatin Mathur

Idea and execution : Jatin Mathur

Edited by: Jatin Mathur

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