6 Useful Tips To Improve Focus And Achieve Mental Stamina.

- jatin Mathur image: unsplash Too much information is bombarded to us from too many sources and it is not easy for us to focus and this information overload results into distractions and further which contributes to poor concentration but you need to improve your clarity of focus and achieve Mental Stamina to get what you want. 1. Long-term concentration is a must have skill in today's world and reading is a powerful way to achieving it. Not only does reading damage your ignorance but also challenges you to focus long enough on a topic; eliminating all forms of distraction. What's more if you are in a serene environment absorbed in an especially engaging book. It pulls you into the narrative and silences your busy mind. It's one of the best pleasures in life. 2. Exercise: while strengthening your body through exercise, you are also increasing your ability to —recall —concentrate & — enhancing your creativity 3. Meditation/ connecting with nature...