Nurturing your Inner Child | Children's Day 2023 | The Odd Angle

Nurturing Your Inner Child: A Journey to Personal Growth Within each of us resides a playful, curious, and imaginative inner child, a remnant of our youthful exuberance and untamed spirit. While adulthood often brings responsibilities and a sense of maturity, it's crucial to keep that inner child alive, for it holds the key to personal growth and fulfillment. 1. Embrace Playfulness and Joy: Rediscover the simple pleasures that brought you joy as a child. Engage in activities that spark your creativity and ignite your sense of wonder. Whether it's painting, dancing, playing music, or simply spending time in nature, allow yourself to embrace the lightheartedness and spontaneity of childhood. Through out my childhood I have enjoyed watching cartoons, it used be an activity of extreme joy for me to watch cartoons because we were a joint family and we had one Television placed in our drawing room too often elders were watching their favourite programmes so we children had to comprom...