Can Detachment Bring Peace ? | Detachment as key to Inner Peace | The Odd Angle

Can Detachment actually bring peace? I, Rahul and Ravi the trinity of school friends planned a fair visit in Gwalior last week. Ravi who recently finished his trimester came home in vacation while I have been enjoying vacations for last 8 days. I personally like spending time with these fellows it's flow of ideas, knowledge and wisdom. Even experiences with them has been learning one. As most of the fairs in India, this fair has wide range of options to experience thrill on swings. So we decided to get on giant Boat swing though Ravi has never been on it, he feared and I was also a bit anxious but Rahul was excited. To experience adventure we got into this giant iron boat, Rahul insisted to go at the high end but terrified Ravi and feared me insisted to sit in the middle, still rahul could convince us to go to high end, I and Ravi sat and grabbed the seat very tightly, tightened our safety belt while Rahul was sitting relaxed behind us. initially it was slow, we shout...