5 bad habits you (seriously) need to quit now(ultimate list of Bad Habits) - The Odd Angle

Transforming your Habits to Transform your Life

we are living in a Revolutionising and  modern age where nothing is constant, everything is changing with the speed of light,people have planned to colonize on other planets, whereas there are still some people who struggle to wake up early, struggle to read properly struggle to keep the focus at one place.

Why there is difference between "those" people and "these"people? Are these people born with some special abilities or some power? obviously not,there could be many reasons, but one of the most crucial aspects are "HABITS"

If I discourse about HABITS the particular word "HABIT" has a fantastic history as it has been found profoundly used in not only one but in multiple ancient languages.

Habits are one the most important assets in the way of success.

If you are doing something every day , you are practicing it every day , you are on the way of getting mediocrity at it. 

Habits are like the seeds on which you are putting your assets and when it grows  and become a tree it gives you back.

Habits that are destroying you

1.Technology /digital addiction 

We all know that due to COVID all our work is dependent on online mode only. But using gadgets for longer duration has its own repercussions. Thus, we should break technology- addiction as much as possible.

In a nutshell,we Know that the bad days are inevitable, and every rose has thorns on itself. We are after all, simple people giving live a go for the first time- nothing more addictions.


I'll do it later, oh I still have time I can manage it after, I'm not feeling to do it now, I still have a whole life why to hurry?....These are some lines we use monotonously. Procrastination is the habit that we all are trapped in. It's an act of postponing things without any valid reason. This the reason why most of us feel that time runs faster.


7 hour is the ideal span of time for a normal human being to sleep. But when we sleep more than the needed time it's called oversleeping. The main cause of oversleeping is unorganized sleeping cycle. Oversleeping causes lethargy, anxiety and even some chronic diseases.

4.Eating unhealthy

Junk food, street food, packed food and soft-drinks are the big player in today's food market. Nowadays people prefer taste over health. Because of palatable taste we tend to eat more than our capacity. And this the main reason why many people faces obesity like problems. These foods contain saturated fats that increases the cholesterol level of body and increases chances of heart-diseases.


To think is virtue but to overthink is vice. Overthinking is a big problem that we get to see in today's generation. Thinking something too much for too long causes anxiety and can even push person to fall in depression. The main reason behind overthinking is not having clear idea or clear answer. That's why when a person doesn't get appropriate answer he/she starts overthinking.

Team odd angle-

Anushka yadav

Khushi soni 

Nandini rawat

Ansh pandey 

Hemant kumar

Supported by  :-mohhamed aiman zaki and ravi jonwar

Idea by and editors :

Jatin Mathur and Mayur Shrivastava

For any queries contact us at-Teamoddangle5566@gmail.com


  1. Kuddos mayur, you and your team is doing amazing work
    Just keep that consistency , I can see the outcomes ✨🤘

  2. Eagerly waiting for your next blog

  3. It's very interesting and knowledgeable...and I am congrats to all uhh...keep it up..👏

  4. Well researched information with practical usage would help the readers to get something positive out of this desperate time. Keep posting guys..������


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