A message to future generation

Dear future generation, What i am going to say now is dedicated from the whole present generation to you.

I want to say "sorry", sorry that we left you on such a messed up planet or i say sorry for providing this messed up situation to you. sorry, for listening to people who made excuses to do nothing,for just thinking about ourselves upto a large extent.

Let me explain you with a instance, you probably know about the Amazon desert, believe it or not it was once called amazon rainforest containing billions of trees and was the biggest vegetation in the world,..... oh you don't know much about trees, Trees are really amazing, I mean we literally breathed the air due to them, they absorbed our pollution and carbon, provided food to feed us, hold the land, purified water and much more, what we did?, burn them down, cut them down with brutal machines with the rate of 40 football field per minute, for just this.

It makes me really sad that the native Americans cared so much about the environment that they used to preserve the land for their 7 generations ,whereas we don't even care about tomorrow.I am sorry that we put profit above people, greed above need, rule of gold above the golden rule. I am sorry that we used nature as a credit card with no spending limits, overdrafting animals to extinction, stole the chances for you to see their uniqueness and to become friends with them. I feel so sorrow that you can not feel the warmness of rising sun, frigorific gusts of air in the morning which used to take us to another dimension, the crystal clear skys where we would spend our nights identifying different constellations.

Sorry, that we poisoned ocean and rivers that you can not even swim in them. I know that you will be taking the best purified water, but the feeling of taking the spellbounding , naturally refrigerated river water, sorry for snatching all these opportunities from you.

But most of all i am sorry about the mindset because, we had the nerve to cause this destruction which we termed 'Progress'.

we had the media who put more focus on political agendas and admitted that climate change was not a threat, we had the people like Sarah Palin who said that he loves the smell of fossil fuels, I am sorry for that we didn't even mentioned them that if they think climate change is not a threat then, check out the people who lost their homes in Bangladesh due to rising sea level, we didn't make them realize that to go to places like Bejing and Delhi where people craves for fresh air and were suffering from various breathing diseases. 

So, i am sorry future generation that our footprints became sinkholes but not garden, I am sorry that we paid so much attention to ISIS not about that how fast ice melted in arctic. I am sorry that we doomed you and couldn't find another planet for you to make your existence. I am sorry, but we didn't realize that we are not apart from nature but, a part of nature and to betray nature is to betray us and to save nature is to save us.

we were fighting for feminism, racism ,gay rights and every type of equality but didn't realize that nothing will matter until we work all together to save our environment equally.

With this all, it would be a shame to say, but i hope you forgive us one day.

Inspired by :- prince ea

Team odd angle -          Anushka yadav   

khushi soni                                

Nandini rawat                            

Ansh pandey                               


Idea and executed by :- Mayur Shrivastava 

Supported by:- Ravi jonwar , aiman zaki and jatin mathur

Edited by :- Mayur Shrivastava

For any queries contact us at 


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  1. Touchinghing...

  2. These words are so much touchy as well as true. Depicting the cruelty of today's generation.

  3. Stretching our environment's capacity beyond its means for present would only mean impairing it's ability to serve us in future. This is a great blog. Team odd angle����

  4. Every human would repent for the behaviour that they did to nature,
    After reading this blog
    Stay connected for next blog into this series.

  5. We aren't the owner of this earth but have been appointed as Custodian thereby giving it back to our future generations hence we have the responsibility to keep it safe,green,fertile and eco- friendly.
    Nice efforts by Jatin Mathur and his team.

    1. Thank you very much sir
      It is outcome of all your belief and efforts in me.

  6. Sandeep Kumar Shrivastava
    K.V.No.1 Gwalior


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