Difference between feminism and pseudofeminism: understand Gender equality


Feminism is not just the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes nor just a doctrine advocating social , political and all other rights of women equal to those of men.

Feminism at its core is about “Equality” - among male , female or even transgender - not “sameness” 

(Here it becomes critical to understand that “sameness” does not always means “equality”).

The pivotal issue here is about equal right and equal access to opportunities.

Feminism as an ideology , does not claim that women are the angles or ‘always victims’ of the pervading inequality. In contrast , feminism argues against un-necessarily placing of women on higher pedestal.

Why some people want to get rid of feminism?

As, we are inhabitants of a patriarchal society , where it is mostly the women who are being deprived of their basic rights . ( Therefore , we commonly see feminism as synonym of fight for women’s right) and when feminism asks tough questions on our dogmatic notions and partices it brings a sense of discomfort and uneasiness.

Impacts of Recent incidents on feminism movement

It is obviously clear that one’s views on such issues are deeply rooted in ones own personal and direct experience , rather than on any data , research or science and in some of recent cases like Delhi case, Zomato case or the Lucknow case have sended a deeply negative message not just to victims but also to witnesses.

But the worst part of these cases was the way the burden of one woman’s condemnable act was vicariously shifted onto , the entire feminist movement with # like #fake feminism

Due to which , it was the feminist movement which had to suffer at last.

Fake / Pseudo feminism:-

On deeply scrutinizing and understanding the meaning of feminism we will find that there is nothing called “PSEUDO / FAKE FEMINISM" because feminism in itself does not discriminate among sexes , as in its very essence it talks about equality . 

But Pseudo feminists have managed to multilate the definition of feminism from what it is to a brand of man-hate. Seeking any opportunity to take revenge rather than equality.


‘Was the act of accused justified’ 🡪 NO

“ Should they receive impunity ” 🡪 NO

“Was the way , burden of someone’s condemnable act shifted to whole movement justified ” 🡪 Obviously a big NO

Supporting an idea and propagating it is one thing . 

But spreading hatred and discord all the good that was done before in the name of that idea.










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team odd angle

Muskan jain

Deeksha pokhariyal

Nandini rawat

Khushi soni

Anushka yadav

Ansh pandey

Aiman zaki

Ravi jonwar

Mayur Shrivastava

Jatin Mathur

Idea and execution : Ravi jonwar and Aiman zaki

Edited by: Ansh pandey.



  1. Great efforts the odd angle
    You explained it really good .
    Thank you very much .

  2. This is how legend try to explain a broad topic in one blog

  3. True feminism is where women and men seen as humans first and gender later. It's more about respecting the rights of women rather than sympathizing thier situation. It's when special provisions are made not only for women but for all mankind. Very well written The odd angle.

  4. Literally this provided me a different perspective

  5. Really good explained by the team odd angle and in a simple way love to visit and also loves the blog

  6. What a way to explain such a huge topic in less words

  7. Different perspective to a common problem

  8. No doubts your content is just awesomey but u should have written it a bit earlier

  9. Thank you everyone for appreciation
    You can check our other blogs as well.


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