All about mucormycosis ,White and yellow fungus

 As India struggles with the second wave of Covid-19 pandemic ,India has witnessed more than 5000 cases of black fungus infection till now along with the other deadlier variants of this fungal infection, yellow fungus and white fungus .

It has affected 18 states including Gujarat and Maharashtra the most.

States like Tamilnadu and Telangana have already declared Mucormycosis an epidemic under the "Epidemic Diseases Act.

Doctors suggest that this outbreak is a result of use of steroids and immunomodulating drugs during the treatment of covid-19 .

With the increasing spread of this infection,it is necessary for us all to know it's symptoms and precautions as soon as possible.

Black fungus infection or mucormycosis:

This fungal infection is caused by a type of fungi called mucormycetes present freely in the environment.It has affected covid-19 patients and recovered patients too.The fungus surrounds the blood vessels and destroys them resulting in TISSUE NECROSIS (death of body tissue) which can lead to death.


Symptoms of BLACK FUNGUS  can be different due to its infection on different body parts.


1.RHINOCEREBRAL (sinus and brain) mucormycosis 



Nasal ,sinus congestion

Black lesions on nasal bridge


2.PULMONARY (lung) mucormycosis

Fever,cough ,chest pain and shortness of breath.

3.CUTANEOUS (skin) mucormycosis

Blisters or ulcers ,infected area turns black

4.GASTRO-INTESTINAL mucormycosis

Abdominal pain

Nausea and vomiting

Gastrointestinal bleeding

How to prevent BLACK FUNGUS infection ?

When you are in hospital;

Maintain good hygiene and cleanliness in your surroundings.

Maintain oral hygiene care with mouthwash. 

Use sterile water for humidification while administering oxygen, there should be no leakage from the humidifier.

Do not use steroids and maintain strict blood glucose control since it has risen as a side effect of use of steroids in recovery from covid-19.

Avoid unnecessary use of broad-spectrum antibiotics or antifungals, which can result in growth of unwanted bacteria or organisms.

When you have recovered from covid-19,maintain your surroundings clean, damp and dustfree. 

Do not go around construct areas, fields and grounds.

Treatment :

Antifungal drugs like Ampho B are used in its treatment. These types of drugs are scarce and expensive too. Shortages have been seen in recent days due to a sudden outbreak of this rare type of Infection.Also, black marketing was not far.


 EXPERTS say white fungus is deadlier than black fungus. It infects several parts of your body and severely damages your lungs. Severe effects can be seen on the kidney, mouth, skin and brain. 

According to Dr. Kaushal Verma, professor at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), the white fungus infects from the tongue or private parts, it makes the tongue white, and then it spreads to other parts like lungs, brain and food pipe.

Symptoms of  WHITE FUNGUS: 




Dark spots on lungs

Reduced oxygen level

White tongue

Skin lesions(black marks)

How to prevent WHITE FUNGUS infection?

People with low immunity are more prone to these fungal diseases, so it is necessary to maintain a healthy immune system.

Maintain your surroundings clean and free from dust.


Antifungal drugs are being used in the treatment of White fungus.

3. Yellow Fungus Infection 

Yellow fungus can be deadliest of all .As it  affects internally and leads to pus leakage, organ failure and even ACUTE NECROSIS ( cell injury).

Symptoms of YELLOW FUNGUS: 

Lethargy( laziness)

Poor appetite or no appetite (loss of hunger)

Weight loss and poor metabolism

Sunken eyes

How to prevent YELLOW FUNGUS infection?

Since fungal infections are generally spread through bad hygiene conditions,it is important to have good hygiene habits.

Keep your surroundings clean.

Remove stale food from the house so as to prevent the growth of fungus or bacteria.

Treatment: Antifungal drugs are used in yellow fungus also.

There are a lot of Antifungal drugs :








Odd angle of the issue

There is a common myth that white ,black and yellow are the colours of fungus but these names are on the basis of symptoms,as skin turns black it is called black fungus and so on. 

This blog is published on request of Aditya Shrivastava ,one of our telegram member.

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Team odd angle-

Anushka yadav

Khushi soni

Hemant Kumar

Ansh pandey 

Nandini rawat

Supported by  :-mohhamed aiman zaki and ravi jonwar

Idea and execution:- Ansh pandey and Jatin mathur

Edited by:-

Jatin Mathur and Mayur Shrivastava

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