Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 2021: Explained

1."We Are At War": Israel PM After Hamas Fires 5,000 Rockets From Gaza

What is Happening in Israel- Palestine?
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict News

The recent Israeli-Palestinian conflict began in May 2021, when Hamas, the militant group that controls the Gaza Strip, fired rockets at Israel in response to Israeli police raids on the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem. Israel responded with airstrikes on Gaza, and the two sides exchanged fire for 11 days, killing over 250 people, the majority of whom were Palestinians. The conflict ended with a ceasefire, but tensions remain high.

What is Palestine?

palestine,recognised officially as the state of palestine by the united nations and other entities. 

Today palestine theoretically includes the west bank and the gaza strip , but there is no interconnection regarding the same,more than 135 countries  recognize palestine as independent state including INDIA,which was one of first countries to recognize the palestine satate but  other countries (such as us& israel)  do not make such discernment.

#so far story of conflicts

On may 11, 2021 palestinians living in gaza  strip witnessed deadly air strikes conducted by israeli military killing more than 20 people including children ,which exacerbated between israel and palestine

How these conflicts started?

Israel and palestine shares a number of issues that need to be resolved among them,the primary issue is regarding ownership of jerusalem

Incipient clashes were witnessed on may 6 2021, over a planned israeli supreme court decision regarding eviction of  6  palestinians families in sheikh jarrah,east jerusalem sc upheld that  historically sheikh jarraah   belonged to israelians,and israelians should be rehabilitated in sheikh jarrah.

supreme court’s verdict gave rise to clashes between palestinian and israeli police,the clashes were further followed at mosque al –aqsa and clashes out turned  injuries to more than 200 people near jerusalem

al-aqsa mosque compound is the third holiest site in islam ,muslims believe that muhammad travelled from the great mosque of meeca to al-aqsa during the last journey

i.e. shab e meraj.


Attack in Jerusalem infuriated hamas (a sunni islamist militant group that is considered as terrorist organisation by many countries)and they fired several (around 300) rockets at israel from gaza following the expiration of the group’s ultimatum demanding israel stand down forces from the al-aqsa mosque compound in jerusalem.

What makes Jerusalem so important?

Jerusalem 🡪 it’s name echoes a shared and disputed history in heart of christian , jews and muslims.

As per christians, jesus was crucified there on golgatha or the hill of calvary , his tomb is located inside the sepulchre and this was also site of his resurrection.

jews uphold that this was the location of the foundation stone from which the world was created and where abraham prepared to sacrifice his son isaac

Muslims believe,prophet muhammad travelled here from mecca during his night journey and with the souls of all prophets

Ironically , despite being one of world’s most sacred places of world, jerusalem confronts with frequent skirmishes and conflicts.

the conflicts generates a wide variety  of views & opinions , this  highlights the deep divisions which exist not only between israelis and palestinians ,but also within each society. 


Authored by: Ravi Jonwar
Edited by: Mayur Shrivastava and Jatin Mathur 
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