World Earth Day-22 April 2022:Save Earth letter from your mother

Milkyway, galaxy
10 june 2021
Homo sapiens
Asia, Africa, America, Europe, Australia
SUBJECT : In regards to the injustice done by you.

Dear children,

It took me 3.77 billion years to evolve you from first form of life to modern homo sapiens. It took 6 million years in your evolution only.What do you gave me in turn? Nothing! but despite of nothing in return, you eventually have destroyed me within decades. I have seen you from the time when you were mere a prokaryotic cell and now when you are the most intelligent species among all my children, 

your mischief is now INTOLERABLE to me! you didn't give me anything in return but you have done wrong to me, your environment and to your neighbours. And you could not even maintain peace within your own species.

You destroyed the sea ecosystem by dumping  tonnes of waste into the sea causing the death of your sea relatives .

Source: Pinterest 

You have burnt me and scorched me in fire by Global warming .I was a cool place when every species thrived in me,but now I'm heated and you didn't even notice it . You made air-conditioners to make your living cool, but you heated me up. For the sake of comfort through sofa you chopped off trees, which were home to monkeys, squirrels and most of the birds.

Source: Pinterest 

For the sake of wearing leather you exploited and killed animals which are my other children. For the sake of ornaments and diamonds you kept destroying the land habitat by mining.This is enough now, please! 

Source: Pinterest 

You did every task to destroy others but all you say every time is SAVE ENVIRONMENT. For you SAVE ENVIRONMENT is a mere task of seeking attention on social media. But the cruel reality is, the paper on which you write save trees have come out of killing a tree.

Source: Facebook 

Just because you have brain of 1400 cc don't think you are superior to me or environment. It was me who gave you birth and the environment that brought you up, but i didn't expect that justice seeker would do the biggest injustice to the others species.

You talk about discrimination within you by caste system, racism and gender,  but the real discrimination is what you did to trees and animals and are doing continuously. You don't even think about me in your everyday life, unfortunately you are too evolved to remember your GENESIS! You started worshipping your creater named GOD and you consider him as human with powers but the irony is how could a human create first human?But the scientific research shows it was ME,the earth who created everyone and evolved you,but you denied my credit of your invention. 

You worship statue, save cow and spider on the name of religion but you would not save me from destruction, just because I am not in your religious scripture and your genesis from me is not the part of that book. You forgot me in the greed of your economical development. 

You homo sapiens were too involved in the mental world that you forgot your connection to your source i.e. your mother.

But even after all this, I am your mother , I would suggest you that you still have time either you co-operate with Environment or dig your own grave! The choice is yours. 

With warm regards.

Your lovingly

Mother earth

Team odd angle 

Muskan jain

Deeksha pokhariyal

Nandini rawat

Khushi soni

Anushka yadav

Ansh pandey 

Aiman zaki

Ravi jonwar 

Mayur Srivastava

Jatin Mathur

Idea and execution : Jatin Mathur

Edited by: Anushka yadav ,Jatin Mathur and Mayur Shrivastava 

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  1. Hey guys team odd angle is putting every possible effort to serve their audience best so please share this to friends and family .
    You should share because I know you too care about earth.
    And comment how do you find our this creative approach.

  2. Keep going like this ❤️

  3. We like our home clean then why don't we apply this concept to our earth? This blog is really an icebreaker.

  4. Good going the odd angle

  5. Lauderdale for unique approach

  6. Exactly, we still have time either we cooperate with environment or.......
    The choice is ours...


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