4 tips to end negativities now.

Tackling Negativities and finding Peace.

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How many times in your day you feel drained out because of a problem or negativities ,you get pissed off and you don't see yourself out of the vicious circle of problems or negativities . 
First thing you should know that we every one face this situation very casually and you are not the only one feeling this way or facing this situation . Today I shall share with you the method which I use to overcome daily hurdles in my life or negativities that pull you back from achieving daily success .

1. Focus on possibilities

No matter what you want to persue, always try to unveil your creativity and thoughts,look around your self and know what's happening in world about this field .Find possibilities to perform special and once you believe "I can perform special" Miracle takes place.

2. Find what excites you

You should know what is that really pushes you forward without the feeling of sacrifice? Some people call it passion. some call it talent. I call it core personality, it may be of an athlete, leader, and working for people, etc always work in environment that motivates you to grow or that puts you in competition.

3. Reflect upon your past

Your past can be really precious if you know how to utilise it. When you look upon your challenging past i am very sure that you would acknowledge the fact that challenges you faced in past were nothing more than tests for success. So can be today if you feel drained out and facing difficulties remember these are nothing but the test of your ability and I believe you can bear this .

4. Don't fight negativity

If you too face negativity then don't panic or worry because it happens with everyone. But too often we try to end negativity by resisting it and we start fighting with it and it consumes your energy and your focus gets directed to negativities. Believe me the best way to tackle negativity is to ignore what's wrong or what can go wrong and direct your focus on what can go right .

The odd angle

You should always feel proud in contributing to others life. Difficulties in life are nothing but opportunities to grow and shine.
You should always challenge yourself for new and better competition for this you can compete with your seniors , senior in age , senior in experience and you will be surprised by your growth. Competition paves way for success ahead. You should always give 100% while trying and results has to be by your side.

Authored by : Jatin Mathur
Edited by: Ravi jonwar

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