5 tips to help you keep your New year's Resolutions

 Ways to keep your New year resolutions in 2023.

Do you know why most people fear Taking new year's resolutions or some Even avoid them you may be one of those?

This is because you might have tried taking new year's resolutions but you couldn't keep it and you don't want to taste the feeling of failure or disappointment again.

And Today I shall tell you 5 tips that would definitely help you in keeping your new year's resolutions.

1.Optimize your new year resolutions.

Too often you take new year resolutions that are taken from internet or by listening to others, this is the reason why going to gym, exercising and book reading are most common resolutions.
But to keep your new year resolutions it has to be yours , Don't just take resolutions cause it feels good in posting about good on social media rather it should be your inner urge to take particular new year's resolution.
It should coincide with the growth opportunities for you in the year and it has to be optimized for you .
By the way you can check out our blog to make your New year's Resolutions 👇

2. Tiny/Atomic targets.

Too often when you desperately want to change your lifestyle and under the influence of instantaneous motivation you set Targets that are very strict and non achievable for you , 
And it's often tough to keep them so instead you should set simple and easy Targets that are achievable.
Once you have decided your New year's Resolutions, divide your goal in extremely small or tiny steps so that it becomes impossible for you to skip a day with out it.
It should be so small that while accomplishing it may seem effortless for you to persue your daily step or task.
eg. If your New year's Resolution is to get fit then you can challenge yourself to do 1 push up every day for the January and this atomic target would make you habit and it will be easier for you to continue with it.

Once a goal or Resolution becomes habit and it gets inculcated in your routine ,it becomes extremely easy to keep it.

You should keep in mind that my daily target to keep resolution should be so tiny that i wouldn't even skip it when I have zero motivation and having a bad day.

3. Don't go for perfection.

Do you remember when you started school ?

In kindergarten writing alphabets, writing rubbish handwriting , at that time writing an alphabet was really a tough task but now you can write many pages without any break , at the kindergarten level you didn't focus on your perfection or on making beautiful alphabets 

but on just making efforts, and it's your consistency that today you have learnt writing moreover you can write beautifully as well.

In the beginning when you would commit to your daily goals and Resolutions results may not be by your side.

So your ultimate focus should be consistent efforts not the perfect results and with the process of making efforts inevitably the results would improve.

4. Do mistakes but don't repeat them.

You should not fear commiting mistakes rather you should fear repeating your mistakes.
It's completely ok if you are making mistakes because mistakes are the signs that you are trying .
But whenever you made a mistake find out the reasons and try to figure out solutions to it and in the upcoming time don't repeat the same mistake.
This is ultimate process of growth, and constant growth would keep you energetic and motivated towards your  New year's Resolutions and New year goals.

5. Be flexible with your goals.

Make your new year goals and resolutions flexible and there should be no problem with failing as well.
Remember the previous kindergarten example when you learnt writing now remember that there were many days when you didn't attend school or you didn't hold pencil but today you write because after every failed attempt you tried again and you never gave up.
When i started meditation there were many instances when i missed the days but i never gave up trying.
I promised myself that even if i fail to do meditation for 29 days i would still try it on 30th day in this way you dedicated more to efforts.
Most resolutions fail because people leave them just they miss one or two times one of my friend started exercising but he failed to exercise for 3 days when he was ill and he didn't start it again till now it happens with all of us whenever our momentum and consistency breaks we don't try it again .
So from now on prepare yourself before setting up a goal and affirm your self 
Yeah there will be failures in my path and there are going to be days when i would fail to do my resolutions but still i will try it even if i could do it for once in the month that too is better than last year when I didn't even try.

Something is always better than nothing.

The odd angle to the matter

Generally you take Resolutions by keeping your day to day habits in mind. You try to change them. But will they really change  once you have decided or in one go ?

A habit is like collecting a pencil & doing that habit again and again for a long , it becomes a big bunch of pencils .One can easily break a pencil by applying a bit of force .But you cannot break the huge bunch of pencils in just one go . These things have been tought to you from your childhood. Everyone have heard that at least once in their life time . 

But the question is how can you break that bunch of pencils , how can you change your habits, is that so difficult ?

I am not saying that breaking the bunch is impossible but surely , it is difficult . Let me elaborate , if we try to cut a tree ,will it be cut at once ?

No, you will have to shovel the tree everyday . 
Similarly , the habits which you are having , which you are following from years will not be gone in one go .Things takes time , specially if you are trying to change your habits .you just take the resolution every year but , the reality is you have to put that effort not for one or two days but for the particular interval of time unless your goal is achieved .

Comment down your Resolutions!

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Shrasti rawat
Ishika sagar
Rajat Bhardwaj
Vedansh mishra
Neelesh baudhh
Deeksha pokhariyal
Aiman zaki
Ravi jonwar 
Jatin Mathur
Idea and execution : Jatin Mathur and ishika sagar
Edited by: ishika sagar


  1. My resolution is to write atleast a line through out the year.

  2. My resolution is to draw every day


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