Challenges in online classes: issues students face in remote learning.


No more online classes for education

Last two years have not been pleasant for humans as the world was shutdown due to which Education was shifted from in person to remote learning during covid-19 .

During this phase many of you could not attend last days of your school life in school.

Many of you might not have got farewell.

Many of you have even completed two years of college degree without even having sight of your institute.

Moreover you might not have got fresher's party.

But as the world was recovering so was the hope of students increasing to attend inperson / offline classes but the updated version of covid 19 or omicron variant has put reopening of colleges under suspicion.

Today let's evaluate 

How much this decision of closing educational institutions is justifying?

1. Psychological effects 

Are you also overburdened with the assignments?

Do you also feel lonely at home?

Do you also get bored in online classes?

If the answer is yes then you are no different than most of the students, as the worst effect of remote learning during lockdown is observed on mental health of students.

Students are facing anxiety ,stress and depression every day .

According to a research poor psychology has affected people more than covid 19.

Even  Students of department of anthropology at University of Delhi carried out research about mental health of adolescents attending online classes,

They found 

84% students were anxious, 87% students were stressed and 85 % were some where depressed. (Fieldwork report , group d , BSc Hons anthropology).

2. Loss of cognitive abilities

Learning experience is never same in remote learning and in-person learning.

Online classes vs offline classes

In online classes -

You loose communication

You loose interaction

You loose practical education

You loose curiosity 

You loose excitement

More over you may loose language ability , During the COVID-19 induced lockdown, 92% of primary school children have suffered from the learning loss of at least one specific language ability, a study conducted by the Azim Premji University revealed.

This is not just story of you and me but 168 million students are facing this loss and they are at home during this school hours .

Not reopening institutions not only affects students individually but it severely affects us as society as there are social concerns synchronised with it.

3. Promoting the gender inequality

My father has a mobile phone but he says he needs it more, so classes on mobile phones are on, but I miss it," Kumari said. Despite that, she stays busy. In school, she could fully attend to her studies. At home, as the eldest of three sisters and a brother, the Class 5 student has had to cook, clean and baby-sit. She had done this all through the lockdown. "My father spends most of his time in bed these days. He suffers from some pain I don't understand and so, my mother has to go to work. She is a scrap picker," she said.

In my school, most students are girls as parents prefer to send their male child to a public school,” said Bharti pointing to another type of discrimination.

These words definitely point out that remote learning has propagated discrimination and gender inequality.

Schools and colleges are the places where inequality is cremated but in remote learning scenario is not the same,

girls at home  have to indulge in house chores and many times forced child labour so their education is severely affected.

4. Pushed people into illiteracy

In person learning and education are main weapons for underprivileged and students from tribal background and from lower economic backgrounds but remote learning has snatched pen from their hands ,as they are are not capable of purchasing smart phones and computers to attend classes .

Online classes has contributed to illiteracy and disparities in education as we saw large number of people dropping out schools and colleges.

As a result drop out risk rose to 365% during remote learning .

THE ODD ANGLE to the matter

opening shopping malls, cinema halls,Markets , stadiums ,parks but not the schools and colleges is itself odd , this is complete neglect of education and knowledge.
Even though most of the students have gone through covid-19 vaccination.
We all know that lockdown was never a permanent solution but a short term temporary solution with a lot of flaws.

To ensure opening of educational institutions instead of complete or total lockdown,we should implement

Focused protection : so instead of lockdown for every one government should impose lockdown for people who are most vulnerable to infection i.e children and elderly and old population while opening it for adults with safety measures , and along with alternative classes for students.

I definitely don't think that threat of covid 19 should be neglected but alternative to lockdown has to be focused because threat of poor education is bigger than this.

If you too have any solution dont forget to comment and share what do you think ?

Share this so much that govt takes steps for it.


Special thanks  to all group members -Anurag Ghosal, Puli amarnath, Rishuraj , Mounika patlavath, Harshit patel and jatin Mathur

who carried out research and considered this issue.

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Team odd angle 

Shrasti rawat

Ishika sagar

Rajat Bhardwaj

Vedansh mishra

Neelesh baudhh

Deeksha pokhariyal

Aiman zaki

Ravi jonwar 

Jatin Mathur

Idea and execution : Jatin Mathur

Edited by: Ravi jonwar


  1. Badiya likha h bhai

  2. Great work people and kudos to jatin mathur for wonderful initiative.


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