
Making up for what? By: Jatin Mathur | The odd Angle

Making up for what? A few days ago I was having this conversation with some of my friends and we were talking about make-up and beautification. I argued that make ups are based upon the dissatisfaction with your natural form and based upon an insecurity which is induced by companies. However they said not everyone made-up due to their insecurities, people might feel good in the process of making up or they might want to try new looks. Both the arguments seemed appealing to me. Though the latter argument is also based upon trying to change oneself to fit into a certain type which is validated or approved by people. Even if someone makes up for oneself then one can actually pose this question about very instinct or desire to see oneself with beauty products.  My perspective comes from this dissatisfaction that we all encounter with ourselves where we fail to accept ourselves naturally beautiful. There is this ideal type or benchmark of confident individuals established by companies w...

Save Earth, Or Save Humans? | The Odd Angle

Save Earth, or Save Humans? "If you really think that the environment is less important than the economy, try holding your breath while you count your money." - Guy McPherson For a long time the reactions of Earth to our human actions remained unnoticed, but in recent times, we are forced to view the consequences of our human action. The age is often defined in terms as anthropocene, the current geological age, viewed as the period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment. One must look at the manifestations of climate change in various ways including: Extreme Weather Events: Hurricanes, floods, wildfires, landslides,flash floods and heatwaves have become more frequent and severe. We have witnessed Kerala Floods (2018): Unprecedented rainfall caused flash floods in Kerala. This resulted in extensive damage to infrastructure, agriculture, and loss of lives.  Rising Sea Levels: Coastal communities face threats from erosion and ...

Boosting Attention and Generating Ideas through Scatter Focus | Hyper Focus by Chris Bailey -The Odd Angle

Do you also get ideas while sitting on a commode seat or while casually walking and sometimes while washing utensils or maybe during getting a shower. I personally have got many blog ideas and solutions to the problems which I am not thinking consciously while doing such activities of social reproduction. Why do we encounter our creative side when we are actually not engaging consciously with the activities of creation or in production? The answer lies in a concept called Scatterfocus which I have borrowed from Chris Bailey's book Hyperfocus.  What is Scatterfocus? Scatterfocus, as presented in Hyperfocus, is the intentional practice of letting your mind wander freely. It's the opposite of hyperfocus, where you concentrate intensely on a single task. Scatterfocus allows your mind to explore various ideas and make unexpected connections without the pressure of achieving a specific outcome. Bailey calls it "Scatterfocus" because in it, our attention scatters to focus on...

Can Detachment Bring Peace ? | Detachment as key to Inner Peace | The Odd Angle

  Can Detachment actually bring peace? I, Rahul and Ravi the trinity of school friends planned a fair visit in Gwalior last week. Ravi who recently finished his trimester came home in vacation while I have been enjoying vacations for last 8 days. I personally like spending time with these fellows it's flow of ideas, knowledge and wisdom. Even experiences with them has been learning one.  As most of the fairs in India, this fair has wide range of options to experience thrill on swings. So we decided to get on giant Boat swing though Ravi has never been on it, he feared and I was also a bit anxious but Rahul was excited.  To experience adventure we got into this giant iron boat, Rahul insisted to go at the high end but terrified Ravi and feared me insisted to sit in the middle, still rahul could convince us to go to high end, I and Ravi sat and grabbed the seat very tightly, tightened our safety belt while Rahul was sitting relaxed behind us. initially it was slow, we shout...

Living With a Disability: A quest for self discovery | The Odd Angle

Living With A Disability: A Quest For Self-Discovery Living with a disability is hard but what makes it even more harder is the stigmas that are attached along with it. Disability is generally seen as biogenetic phenomena, has to be understood sociologically. It should be studied as a biosocially constructed phenomena. The stigmas that are attached to disability crumble the self-worth which largely impacts the personality of an individual. So, I will be reflecting on my own experiences as a girl with visual impairment in order to shed light upon social nature of disability as much of the individual struggles of people with disability manifest at a social level. I argue that due to low self-efficacy that stems from various notions regarding disability, the soul of people with disability is not only crumbled in everyday life but their voices are often silenced on various issues with immense stigmas attached with their identity thereby raising questions of agency. My story When I was bo...

Nurturing your Inner Child | Children's Day 2023 | The Odd Angle

Nurturing Your Inner Child: A Journey to Personal Growth Within each of us resides a playful, curious, and imaginative inner child, a remnant of our youthful exuberance and untamed spirit. While adulthood often brings responsibilities and a sense of maturity, it's crucial to keep that inner child alive, for it holds the key to personal growth and fulfillment. 1. Embrace Playfulness and Joy: Rediscover the simple pleasures that brought you joy as a child. Engage in activities that spark your creativity and ignite your sense of wonder. Whether it's painting, dancing, playing music, or simply spending time in nature, allow yourself to embrace the lightheartedness and spontaneity of childhood. Through out my childhood I have enjoyed watching cartoons, it used be an activity of extreme joy for me to watch cartoons because we were a joint family and we had one Television placed in our drawing room too often elders were watching their favourite programmes so we children had to comprom...

Andrew Huberman's Morning Daily Routine Explained in 7 simple steps | The Odd Angle

When I tried Andrew Huberman's Morning Routine.  Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist and professor at Stanford University who has gained popularity for his research on the brain and behavior. He is known for his podcast the "Huberman lab" where he discusses science based facts and lifestyle techniques and I too have been binge watching him for productivity and personal development. It all started with a youtube short in which I saw Andrew explaining how exposure to sunlight in the early day can help you fall asleep and to take quality sleep and it blew my mind, then i discovered Andrew Huberman. After discovering his content I found Andrew's morning routine is quite popular and is considered to be effective. Therefore I started to follow his morning routine and every morning i decided to capture sunrise to measure my progress. Let me first tell you How Huberman spends his morning. 1. Wake up early:  Huberman wakes up at 5:30 am every day to give himself plenty of time...