Personal Development For Students|Self Improvement-The Odd Angle

Self improvement for students

Whenever we discuss about personal development or self improvement we seldom include teenagers or students. we may be living with a notion that these processes does not apply to students but these notions would have been true if we would be talking 50 years ago. But today's students face a lot of issues which has to be taken care of majorly in post COVID time where mental health is severely affected and people are suffering from mental trauma, aloofness, and are stressed out.Thus preparing oneself for countering these problems becomes mandatory for living a happy and prosperous life. A student can never succeed without constant improvement.Here are four aspects which students can work upon for daily self improvement :

 1) Concentration

As a student moves into new and upgraded grades every year, so the burden of good academic performance increases and complexities of educational concepts raises and to counter it students should try concentration and focus building.
There are many techniques and tricks to increase concentration/focus span.Increase in focus will definitely help you in understanding academic concepts easily 
and perform better in exams. You can listen to binaural beats and study music and concentration enhancing sounds for focus building and you can utilise them for improving sleep and meditating as well. You can also train your brain for concentrating through games,riddles and music .

 2)  Self care 

Every student is some where immature when it comes to self care, this to improve productivity and performance and to gain maturity we need self care. Just keeping your body hygienic and healthy is not self care, it involves taking care of mental health, keeping your brain healthy, being emotionally stable, vibing and chasing hobies and spending time with your interest. 

 3) Time management

Student Life too can be hectic and busy. As the academic burden increases so the time left in routine decreases for students. Every normal student has now have to read atleast atleast five subjects and each requires almost equal attention and priorities.Thus to fullfill these priorities students have to attend schools, tuitions, homework, projects, assignments, research and others. In these a student can miss hobbies and interests, due to it there will be no time for playing and enjoying one's desires. Thus, one has to manage his priorities properly and has to find out sometime out of his routine for these activities you can read out our blog about the real time management and manage your priorities accordingly

 4) Mediation

A student life now includes a lot of mental pressure and emotional breakdowns, deadline headings for the assignments, anxiety for the exams, career tensions, goal stressing and it might deprive normal emotional pleasures and you might deviate from emotional well being. Thus, every student and teenager need to look after mind and soul through mediation, mindfulness and practising emotional stability. Today, we can employ various applications for meditating and practising mindfulness, such as headspace, calm, insight timer for this purpose.

5) Emotional Intelligence

Most of the romantic relationships forms during our teenage and that's the same age when we are student. Thus, it become more important to be emotionally intelligent in order to overcome emotional traumas due to relationship, peer pressure,low feelings, depression and other Emotional problems. You may hesitate to reach out to your parents for sharing your feelings and in some cases even to your friends. Then, with the help of emotional intelligence you can cope up with your everyday emotional problems and this ability of managing your emotions and giving them new meanings can be achieved through personal development. All the techniques and concepts which are used in personal development helps you in building confidence, feeling positive emotions, being self esteemed and helps in our maneuvering out negative emotions and lets you right decisions and make better choices.

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Author: Jatin Mathur

Edited by: shreyansh yadav 


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