Cryptoban and every thing about crypto currency.

Everything you need to know about "Crypto currency" ! Credit : The oracles #What is currency? Currency is a medium of exchange. It is supported by the faith of its holders and virtue of the government declaration. Means it’s a promise by the government to bearer which is always mentioned on the currency along with governor's signature. In india, we use fiat currently that has its statutory backing. #What is Cryptocurrency ? Cryptocurrency consists of two words 'crypto' means hidden and 'currency' means medium of exchange. Cryptocurrency is a form of digital payment that can be exchanged for goods and services. Some basic difference between Fiat currency and Cryptocurrency :- 1- Fiat currency requires bank to verify every single transactions while crypto doesn't. 2- Crypto is stored in mobile or e-wallet while fiat generally not. 3- Bank charge a fees for every transaction but in crypto chargers are very less or notional. #Advantages of Cryptocurren...